Premiere Places Fourth at Indianola

Premiere received 4th at the show choir competition in Indianola.

by Sadia Shafique

On Saturday, Feb. 21, the AHS choir members traveled to Indianola High School for a choir competition. Other than Atlantic, there were around 11 choirs performing at this competition that ranged from 1A to 4A schools. At this competition, Premiere show choir sang “Great Escape,” “Ridin’ the Storm Out,” “We Will Rise,” “Damaged,” “Runaway Baby,” and “Undefeated/I Am Roll.” All of the choirs (including Treble Makers and Concert Choir) competed.  In ranking, Premiere received 4th place.

Before the competition took place, choir teacher Jennifer Gaesser worked with cleaning up some choreography and fixing a few musical phrases for some of the songs. Her favorite part of contest was the soloists, who were seniors Ben Parker and Halee Glenn. One of the judges in the competition, who was also a clinician at State Show Choir in Atlantic, made the comment about the choirs that “the group had made huge improvements in the past four days since State Show Choir.”

Overall, Gaeser said, “The thing I enjoyed most about the Indianola contest is the dancing they have in the auditorium before the awards are announced”.