Trojans Take First at Archery Shoot
Pictured above is the equipment used for archery.
February 24, 2015
by Savannah Sorensen
On Thursday, Feb. 19, the AHS Archery Club participated in the Central Decatour Archery Club Shoot. The Trojans took first place with a total of 3,134 points. Coach Justin Williams said, “This is the first of hopefully many more championships to come.”
Individual places included: sophomore Taylor Kirchner (3rd), sophomore Logan Russell (5th), sophomore Colin Juelsgaard (8th), sophomore Nathan Gray (10th), freshman Heather Freund (3rd), freshman Bailey Roland (4th), freshman Tomma Jessen (5th), sophomore Carly Westphalen (6th), and sophomore Alexis Schulte (9th).
The team had a state qualifying score, however, it was late in the season and all the spots had been taken. The team did qualify for nationals during this contest and have a chance to attend the National Shoot in Kentucky. Williams hopes that the team score from Saturday will allow the chance to register soon. Four individuals have qualified for state including Freund, Kirchner, Jordan Zarbano (middle school), and senior Luke Frisbie.