ACSD Braces for Budget Cuts
February 5, 2015
by Tanner Mauk
On Monday night, the school board discussed budget cuts for the Atlantic Community School District that could affect students and teachers in the high school. Both principal Heather McKay and superintendent Dr. Michael Amstein said that they don’t know exactly what will be cut yet.
McKay said, “I don’t have a specific answer for you because I need a lot of other dominos to be put in place before I’ll know about how it comes to the high school.” The cost reduction goal for the 2015-2016 school year is $650,000.
“As things kind of shake out, we can talk about more of the details,” said McKay.
The board is looking to act upon the recommendations of Amstein over the next few weeks, and will be covering this news to keep the students updated with any change in the high school.
Amstein said he has not released any information regarding the cost reductions to the media at this time. “It is my intention to bring forth recommendations to the school board at the February business meeting which is scheduled for February 9,” said Amstein.
Look for continuing coverage about the budget cuts on