Ride the Pep Bus to Clarinda Friday!
$10 pays for your ride plus admission to the game.

Students on last year’s Pep Bus to Clarinda show their excitement.
August 26, 2014
By Mollee Welter
Fire up students! This Friday the school will be providing a pep bus to the Clarinda football game. There needs to be a minimum of 25 students signed up to ride, but there is no upper limit on how many can go. A second bus can be added if necessary. The bus will be leaving at 5:15. Students are encouraged to come a little earlier, that way the bus doesn’t have to wait on you.
The cost is $10 and that includes the entry fee to the game. You must have the $10 with you when you sign up. The end date for sign up is at end of the day Thursday. The pep bus will not be stopping on the way there or home, so eat before or during the football game.
As of right now, this is the only pep bus scheduled for this year. However, if there is a good turnout, others may be added as the season continues. We encourage all to sign up and go. The theme for Friday’s game is superhero. Wear your best superhero costume.
Come have fun and help support our football boys as they take on the Clarinda Cardinals.