By Madison Helvie
With winter drawing to a close and spring quickly approaching, Atlantic High School students are preparing for Spring Break. Spring Break at AHS is Monday, March 17 through Friday, March 21 this year.
Freshmen Charisma Burg said she plans on sleeping in during her break. She said that her best memory of Spring Break was a party with her friends. Burg also added that she thinks that Spring Break should be 2 weeks.
Freshmen Abbey Staley said, “I plan on doing absolutely nothing and I think Spring break should be 2 ½ weeks long. Her best memory was just simply hanging out with friends.
Freshmen Bailey Schildberg does not have any favorite memories and she plans on spending her break sleeping and going to Des Moines. She also said she believes that this year’s Spring Break should be cut short in order to make up snow days.
Sophomore Haley Carlson plans on playing soccer and working with 4-H calves this break. Carlson doesn’t have a favorite memory of break and she believes that it should last 5 days plus a weekend.
Spring Break is really the start of spring sports at Atlantic High School. AHS offers both boys and girls track, golf, tennis, and soccer. Track has already started for the boys and girls. Girls soccer is scheduled to begin March 24 while boys Soccer starts on March 17th. Boys Golf is supposed to start the day after Spring Break. Girls golf is scheduled to start March 18. Good luck to all our athletes as they start their seasons.