Juniors Haley Glenn and Paige Anastey interact between seating guests at the Madrigal Dinner. Guests were all assigned to their own tables to be waited on. The dinner was on Saturday night starting at 7 p.m. and Sunday night starting at 5 p.m.
Juniors Ben Parker and Grace Jacob entertain the guests before the beginning of the evening. Parker and Jocob’s job was to make guests laugh and be entertaining by doing silly random things. Jesters were selected from any of the juniors in choir.Freshman Kaitlin Behrens serving Wassail (spiced apple cider) to a table at the dinner. The freshman girls were selected to serve the guests. Freshman Sydney Redler said, “People were very friendly and gave a lot of compliments.”
Senior Josie Anzalone and unior Courtney Jensen cut a cream puff desert for the dinner. Foods 2 class was in charge of preparing all the food, including soup, chicken, and wassail. Sophomore Tanner Mauk said, “It felt like it took a long time but over all it was pretty fun.”
Students at the senior table wave their arms around to act like trees as part of a skit. It is tradition that the seniors are the royal court. Senior Morgan Munsey said, “It was kind of boring just sitting up at the front because you couldn’t really do too much.”The varsity choir performs “Good King Kong” with kazoos. The evening ended with a concert by both the junior varsity choirs and varsity choir. Sophomore Isabel Kesterson said, “I was happy with our performance even though you couldn’t see me.”