By Leah Tjepkes
Walking through the halls of Atlantic High School, a person can see a variation of characters in each passerby. There is something unique about each Atlantic High School student. From a student’s hair color, facial features, skin tone, or accent, each student has at least one feature that sets him/her apart from everyone else.
One of the most comparable features is a person’s height. Students at Atlantic High School range from the petite size of 4’6” to a staggering stature of 6’6”. However, the extremity of each student’s size is what makes him/her striking to a passerby’s eye. But for those students who are of an extreme height or lack of makes them famous in the halls of Atlantic High School.
Some towering bodies that roam around Atlantic High School are junior Skyler Svoboda (6’6”), sophomore John Jesse (6’5”), and freshman Garrett Franken (6’4”). As for the females, senior Hailey Waters and sophomore Meghan Reilly reach a lanky height of 5’11” and 5’10”. Most said that they get their height from their dad, but 6’6” Skyler Svoboda get his height from his grandma on his mom’s side. Already being some of the tallest students, many hope to grow taller.
When asked if he plans on growing more, 6’4” Garrett Franken said, “Yeah. Hopefully four more inches or so.”
5’11” senior Hailey Waters states, “I don’t know because three years ago, I broke my pinky and the doctor said that I still had space between my growth plates,” which could indicate that her body might not be fully grown yet.
Some students lack in height, but still coast through the halls with confidence. Freshmen Hailey Hensel (4’6”), Eldon Lepis (4’10”), and Colin Juelguard (4’11”) agreed that their height doesn’t bother them. 4’6” Hailey Hensel went on saying, “I like being 4’6”. It’s not that bad.” Juelsguard and Hensel got their height from their parents, but 4’10” Eldon Lepis related his height back to his grandpa. Even with the confidence each one of these three possess, they were certain that their body’s will grow in the future. Lepis went on jokingly, “I’d love to be around 10 foot!”
Tall or small, a few of these students play sports. Advantages come for some, disadvantages for others. Svoboda said, “In football, the shorter lineman can get under me and it’s hard to move.” Even with the lack of height, Lepis and Juelguard have successfully played sports during their middle school careers.
Each one of these students possess a characteristic that cannot be changed. No plastic surgery or medical operations will help anyone become taller or smaller. If you fall into one of these characteristics, take note from the students recorded here. They express a certain confidence that anyone with the same characteristic should try to express too.