By Madison Helvie
The gesture of shaking your opponent’s hand after a game may be changing. According to Fox news, Kentucky is now considering banning the post-game handshake. Fox news said, “Because a bunch of teenagers can’t control themselves, an entire state is considering banning it from most high school competitions.”
So what does this mean for the rest of the states? Kentucky’s reasoning for banning the post-game handshakes is because conflicts seem to break out and unfortunately fights occur.
According to sophomore Kyle Nelson, who is involved in Football, Basketball and Golf, “It depends if you win or lose. I guess if you win you’re more willing to shake hands and if you lose it’s just kind of like maybe you don’t shake hands but slap hands.”
Spanish teacher and assistant girls soccer coach Daniel Vargason had said he thinks it’s a very important part of the game. On the field you can be enemies but off the field you need to shake hands and be on a good level with your opponent.
Biology teacher and football coach Bryan Woods said, “Handshakes are necessary because at the end of the day we are still people and we need to show sportsmanship.”
Junior Marshall McDermott, wrestler and soccer player, said he thinks whether you win or lose you should always go and shake hands with the other team because you respect them. Fights are disrespectful and shouldn’t happen but the handshake should always still happen.
When sophomore Matt Tolton was told about Kentucky’s ban on the handshake he said, “I think it was a bad choice because sportsmanship at the end of the game is important.”
So will this ban stay in Kentucky or will it spread throughout other states?