by Zoe Krueger
You may have seen in the media–including AHSneedle–that dancing is a big controversy. High school administrations have begun cracking down on the “problem,” banning certain styles of dancing and giving punishments if it is done. The style of dancing that has become such a concern has many names: “dirty-dancing,” “grinding,” “butt-to-front,” to name a few. To get the jist of this, if you don’t quite get it from the names, the dance consists of a close touching of the hips, basically rotating to the beat of the music.
People need to realize that this isn’t the first time in history that the way kids dance is an “issue.” Anyone ever heard of The Twist? Yeah, that dance definitely stirred up some people back when it came out, but somehow we all got through it.
So why should this be any different? Because you think it’s dirty? As someone who participates in this style of dancing, let me assure you it really is not bad in any way. Yes, there are some people who get into it a little too much at times, but for the most part it’s just a way for friends to dance. It’s not harming anyone. In a way, this form of dancing is a way for us to let loose, without doing anything wrong.
I’ve seen girls who are top students, the sweetest people you’d ever meet, and yes they will get out on the dance floor and rotate their hips. It’s just a fun way for us to have a good time. Stop putting negative connotations with it. It’s just dancing.
Beverly Schelling • Jan 1, 2011 at 1:09 pm
The editorials in the Des Moines Register opinion section written by Atlantic students were a great representation of our students and their abilities to express their opinions! We were in a wedding in Ames New Year’s Eve and visited with the people at our table about the editorials! People commented on how well written the opinions were!
admin • Jan 2, 2011 at 8:05 am
Thanks so much! It takes guts–and character–to put one’s opinions out in the public eye–with names and photos attached! Thanks for sharing positive feedback. –Berryhill
Aaron Buoltz • Dec 16, 2010 at 2:22 pm
Yes, but you have those people everywhere you go, and you cant really stop them
Palmer Hoegh • Dec 9, 2010 at 9:14 am
I agree Zoe. School dances are one of the best ways to interact with classmates without the stress of academics. Dancing is also a way to show creativity. Have fun on the dance floor and show AHS some new moves. It is possible to respectful and show-stopping at the same time.
Hope Bowker • Dec 8, 2010 at 4:29 pm
Thank you Zoe! Amen to that!!!! I think the “bending over, touching the floor is a bit over exaggerated! I haven’t seen that happen one time. Its been blown way out of context. I think the worry should be kids coming into the dance under the influence. I think this whole issue shouldn’t be a concern. It’s high school.
Zoe Krueger • Dec 10, 2010 at 1:55 pm
I completely agree with the bending over, yes there are some people who take things TOO far, but punishing the entire group of people is not going to help the issue
Alyssa Askeland • Dec 6, 2010 at 11:56 am
But yet, a lot of people find it very repulsive. It’s okay to do it, but you have to admit, some people get really into it and it looks extremely gross.
Morgan Beauchamp • Dec 6, 2010 at 11:34 am
I agree 100%. There have been many times where teachers and parents don’t like how we dance, but that is always going to be the case. Our teacher’s parents more than likely didn’t like how they danced, but to the teachers it wasn’t a big deal. So why is it now? It’s how we dance, and the way we dance will eventually change. It isn’t a big deal.