AHS Finds Lack of Student Participation in Events

Activities have been cancelled due to low numbers

WHERE ARE ALL THE STUDENTS?- Low numbers in events have caused cancellations. Activities such as the dodgeball tournament have fallen victim to the lack of participation by students.

WHERE ARE ALL THE STUDENTS?- Low numbers in events have caused cancellations. Activities such as the dodgeball tournament have fallen victim to the lack of participation by students.

The AHS dodgeball tournament was cancelled a few weeks ago and has since stirred up conversations as to why there is a lack of student participation in school functions. This event is just one of many around the school with low numbers.

Students have their own opinions on the lack of participation. Junior Nathan Behrends said, “Students think that they are cool, and they are lazy. It makes me sad that students don’t want to participate, because it shows that they don’t have much school spirit.” According to Project Appleseed, some of the reasons for lack of student participation include, lack of family resources, or lack of interest.

Low student participation numbers could come down to laziness. Senior Sydney Bean said, “It takes up too much time for students to put effort in to go.” The effort students put forth to these events reflects on the will to participate. A recent example of this was the case with the dodgeball tournament. It was cancelled due to a lack of teams signed up.

Parents of AHS students also have feelings about cancelled events due to low participation numbers. “It is frustrating and disappointing because people don’t understand how important these activities are to AHS,” Michelle Behrends said.

AHS has also come up with new activities to get students involved. In contrast of the dodgeball tournament, there are plenty of other AHS activities in which students participate. Secretary Dana Saeugling said, “The students have new activities. We have always had good success during these events. I am happy with all of the turnouts of the school functions.” 

Some think the high school doesn’t do anything while planning events, and other students and parents find that frustrating. AHS plans many events but students don’t choose to participate. “It frustrates me, because AHS does everything they can to show spirit, but students don’t want to participate,” Nathan Behrends said. Michelle Behrends agrees with him. She said AHS students don’t take advantage of the many opportunities provided by the school. She feels many students “don’t want to go outside of their comfort zone and try something new.” 

Dances and other school functions are also another event people feel not enough effort is put into. Some feel Student Council should do more to try to improve dances and get more people involved with functions such as these. “I think that they should advertise a prize, a variety of options, and they should schedule them at convenient times for students,” Bean said.