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The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


The student news site of Atlantic High School


Dean Cook

Dean Cook, Junior Broadcasting Editor

Junior Dean Cook is a junior broadcaster for Eye of the Needle. He originally joined journalism because of his love for photography. Broadcasting however intrigued him and he “found it fun,” and is responsible for everything behind the scenes, editing the episodes, and helping with the interviews. Cook says that his greatest strength as a journalist is his determination and drive to do anything he puts his mind to. Cook does cross country, which he has loved since 8th grade. He is also in band, jazz band, show choir Band, Pep Band, and Orchestral Band. Outside of school, he’s been playing the drums for years, he also collects vinyls and loves photography. Cook says, “[photos] hold so much meaning to me,” as he has, “a bad memory,” and photos help him hold on to and cherish precious memories. He works at The Sweet Spot, a diner in Anita, and plans to move to Minnesota and enter the radio industry after he graduates. His advice to new journalists is, “DO NOT SLACK,” and says he could’ve learned so much more if he had better time management and paid more attention.

Story by Knox McCalla

All content by Dean Cook