Homecoming is all about having fun and coming together as a community to show some school spirit. Although this time of year is enjoyable, we need to ensure we are following the ways of HARK by being honest, accountable, respectful, and kind.

Honesty is demonstrating truthfulness, sincerity, and maintaining integrity-
- If you get hit by a ball during dodgeball you are OUT
- Teachers: don’t be biased when judging Homecoming floats
- Be honest if you are participating in the dress days
- Don’t take bribes to win the spirit stick
- Don’t sneak into the dance
- Attending the float building for 10 minutes doesn’t count
- Refs: make fair calls

Accountability is taking responsibility for the outcomes of your actions, whether good or bad-
- Get your out-of-town date permission slip turned in on time
- Show up to float building and help your grade out
- Participate in the dress day, and help your grade win the spirit stick
- Football players: do your job
- Get your float done on time and well
- Work together as a grade to help each other out to win the spirit stick
- Band: play correct notes and rhythms

Respect is showing consideration of self, others, and surroundings-
- Don’t talk badly about other students if they beat your team in dodgeball
- Don’t steal other grades’ food during the canned food drive
- Don’t mess with other grades’ floats
- Don’t talk badly about the other team whether we are winning or losing
- Don’t be upset by who wins the Homecoming royalty
- Listen to AHS Fuel members when they explain the lunch games
- If you are not happy with the result of dodgeball, think before you speak

Kindness is exhibiting friendliness, generosity, and consideration towards others-
- Be nice to everyone and have fun
- Include everyone in the dance circle at the dance
- Compliment people on their amazing outfits on dress days
- Donate to the food drive
- Help pick up trash after the football game
- Leave a generous tip when you go out to eat
- Don’t push little kids out of your way to get candy
Trojans, be HARK and have a fantastic Homecoming week!