Spooky season is among us, and many are taking this time to partake in fun activities, like watching Halloween themed movies. (Camryn Church )
Spooky season is among us, and many are taking this time to partake in fun activities, like watching Halloween themed movies.

Camryn Church

Top Ten Spooky Season Activities

There are many different activities you can do during this year’s spooky season.

October 13, 2020

Fall is upon us, and many are planning or making plans to do fun activities to celebrate. Here are the top ten spooky season activities you don’t want to miss out on this fall. 

10. Drinking Apple Cider

There is something so relaxing about drinking warm apple cider or any warm drink on a crisp fall day. Whether you’re picking pumpkins or curled up by a warm fire with your fuzzy socks on, there isn’t anything better than relishing in a warm beverage.

9. Baking a Sweet Treat

This may not be something enjoyable for everyone, but I find baking therapeutic and I love giving out the baked goods to all of my friends and family. There are some key pies to make during the fall season. My personal favorite is apple, but there is also pumpkin pie. And as if there weren’t enough cookie recipes to go around, I just made some pumpkin cookies a week or so back and they were absolutely delicious. Baking is definitely an activity to consider to kick off the spooky season. 

8. Carving Pumpkins

This involves children and adults of all ages. Carving pumpkins is a great bonding experience for the whole family and I love putting a tealight in the finished product to see the spooky face or attractive design. As a bonus, you can also roast the seeds of the pumpkin afterward to make a delicious snack.  

7. Take a Walk and See Fall Foliage

Especially right now, the weather has been absolutely beautiful enough for a walk around the neighborhood or at a park. The leaves have just started to change and fall to the ground, creating a perfect photo op if you so choose. 

6. Visiting a Pumpkin Patch

Whether it’s Vala’s Pumpkin Patch or a small local establishment, picking pumpkins out has to be one of my favorite things to do in October. Get a few friends together and go hunt for the perfect pumpkin. I love funky colored and textured pumpkins, but I think my favorite would have to be gourds. 

5. Visit a Haunted House Attraction

If you are searching for a thrill, a haunted attraction or haunted house is right up your alley. I’ve usually gone to Scary Acres in Omaha every year, and they never disappoint. This may not be the most COVID-friendly option, but nonetheless is still one of my favorites. 

4. Host a Bonfire

While we don’t have a fire pit at our house, I have gone to a few different bonfires and it’s always fun when it’s cool enough at night to need the fire to stay warm. Grab a couple of marshmallows and pop them over the fire until golden brown (unless you’re like me, and like your marshmallow to be on fire) and slap that bad boy on a graham cracker.

3. Go Searching for Fall Candles and Fuzzy Blankets

I am guilty of just going to Walmart for the sole purpose of smelling candles. I also hoard fuzzy blankets to snuggled up with when it gets cold. My favorite candle currently is Sweet Cinnamon Pumpkin from Bath and Body Works. 

2. Festively Decorating Your House

My mom and I love to go full out for Halloween, with spider webs on the bushes, fake spiders, and a blowup ghost out front. You turn some spooky tunes on and just go all out on a Saturday morning, and it makes for a good family bonding experience.  

1. Stay Inside and Watch Some Spooky Movies

This is by far the most COVID friendly and pocket friendly. Grab a couple of snacks and friends, and watch a movie. Halloweentown or Hocus Pocus are the best unless you’re a horror fan, in which the movies Halloween or Scream are very much appropriate. 

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