Ann Kirchner

Hana Holtz

Hana Holtz

I’m not going to sugar coat it. There is little good that came out of this quarantine for me. 

All I could–and can–really do is sit and watch the plans I have looked forward to for four years get shaken up time and time again while the media and government sends mixed messages about the virus and possible re-openings. One day, Governor Kim Reynolds makes it sound like we are on the downhill slide. However, at her next press conference, she closes more businesses and pushes the start of school back two more weeks. One day, we are told we will be able to play in that last band concert or take the tennis court for a shortened season, and not a week later that is all taken away. 

Are you kidding me? 

If it wasn’t going to work out, just say so. 

The worst part about it is I feel gross for thinking of myself during these times. I am healthy. My family is healthy. There are so many people out there who have it worse, and yet I am sad and frustrated because I have been jipped out of so many things. In my opinion, that is the worst thing: watching a person who only wants the best for others become more focused on what could have–should have–been.

There are so many uncontrollables in this situation. One person can’t control another’s actions. They don’t have any say in who stays six feet apart at the grocery store. We don’t know if the virus will slow as the weather gets warmer. I think we all will fare better once we realize the uncontrollables are what is running this situation. 

What I think affected me the most was the false hope that was generated with the possibility of going back to school and getting to take part in those final activities my senior year. If everyone had recognized the uncontrollables in the situation–including myself–I think the fall wouldn’t have been as hard. It wouldn’t have hurt as much.

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