100-Word Rants – 2022
Everyone has an opinion. Can you express yours in exactly 100 words? Send your rant to [email protected]. If we select it for publication, get your shades out!
Keep the Peace
To be honest I don’t really have anything to rant about. People can do their own thing and that doesn’t really bother me. I mean, I get that other people are upset about things lately, and I enjoy sitting back and watching the show. Like why can’t people just be happy with what they have right now? Everyone has to complain and throw fits, and they think throwing riots is a good thing! They are...
Just Let Me Go!
The most annoying thing is when teachers don’t let you use the restroom during their class. I can’t help it when I need to use the restroom and it’s not good to hold it in for that long anyway. I drink a lot of water so I have to use the bathroom quite often. Especially for people in sports. Coaches want them to stay hydrated but if they are not allowed to use the restroom how are they suppo...
Mental Health Over Grades
It makes me angry that parents are always way too focused on your grades and not enough on your mental health. If you get anything below a B, you’re failing in someone's eyes. They don’t ever take the time to realize what school can do to someone's mental health. Especially teachers, they hand out homework and homework all the time but don’t realize that it can take a toll on someone's mental...
Let Weekends be Weekends
When the bell rings on Friday afternoon, all I want to do is go home and have a fun weekend. But no, some teachers decide to give more homework simply because we have "more time." If anything, we shouldn’t get any homework on Fridays and use the weekend as a time to get caught up with homework from the week. Majority of kids have busy schedules on the weekends especially with all of the school events t...
Stop the Stress
High school students are some of the busiest people on the planet. From homework and studying, to work and sports, it can be a lot on our growing minds. The school and teachers say they care about our mental health but when we're stressed out about a game or work after school, they add on homework and tests to study for. This has been the school system for generations, but I think it's time for a cha...
Keep Your Mouth Closed
When you’re eating with other people, you shouldn’t have to lose your appetite because of how they eat. Instead of enjoying your meal, being interrupted by loud chewing is a complete mood-killer. You would think that people who chew loud would realize how annoying their chewing is, but they just don’t! It’s not even a hard thing for a person to fix. All you have to do is wait until you swallow...
Just Let Me Talk
I hate being interrupted. Why is what you are saying more important? Not only is it disrespectful, but it makes me feel belittled. Suddenly, what I said is irrelevant, and what do you gain? Do you get your statement out a little faster? Do you feel like you’re better than me? Maybe you do feel better than me, just for that one moment, but think of how I feel. You speaking over me invalidates my opinion ...
Teach me basic skills
Someone once said, “You learn things in school to help you in the real world.” I don’t think learning the algebraic proofs will help me know the basic rights I have as a citizen. Once we graduate high school, we are set off into adulthood without the necessary knowledge of basic “adulting” skills. As a student, I feel like we need to be taught the basics of that. For example, how to file income tax...
Stop Crowding the Hallway
Imagine you're running late to class and there's a group of people hanging out in the hallway. What do you do? Walk around them? What happens if they try to get into your way or they are messing around? Isn't that annoying? I think that people really need to stop hanging out in the hallway and stop messing around. If you are working in the hall, stay quiet, don't mess around. There are students and ...
Just Be Kind
You know when something small happens and a feeling of sheer excitement hits you? That thing makes your day and you can’t wait to share it with someone else. Then you build up the courage to talk to someone about it and immediately get shut down. When that excitement is not returned, your mood suddenly changes and it ruins your whole day. Life goes by so fast and I wish people would not take thei...
Move Out of the Way
Have you ever been late or in a rush and then you seem to find yourself behind a group of slow walkers? Well, I know the feeling and it frustrates me. Literally, just move out of the way, I just want to get to my class. It's even worse when you’re shorter than all of them because then you can’t see what’s in front of you. Also, they have the nerve to stop out of nowhere in the middle of the...
Get a Move On
Bell rings… you are on your way to class, and you get behind a slow walker. What do you think of doing? Maybe giving them a flat tire or trying to get around them? Slow walkers are annoying. Some people walk so slow in the hallways and it makes other people mad. They need to keep up with the pace of everyone. Getting behind a slow walker ruins your mood. People can have their in-depth conversatio...
Match My Energy
There are many things that annoy people, yet never bother anyone else. For me, it’s being brought down after something makes me happy. If I walk in a room and you can tell I’m happy, let me be happy. If you ask why and I tell you, don’t laugh or tell me it’s stupid. Why do people feel the need to tell me that what I’m happy about is dumb or a let down to you? What makes me happy or excited ...
Stop Judging People
I hate when people hate on something that you are really passionate about like a sport or hobby. Especially when you work so hard at it. Why are you hating on me when I spent hours on hours working hard to get better. Then you tell someone about it and they make fun of you because of it. They start to mock you. They say it’s for girls or it’s for boys or why do you do that when you don’t wa...
Talking Trash
I really don’t like when people are two-faced. I constantly see people say mean stuff behind others’ backs, talking trash, and just being downright mean. I don’t understand why you would be so disrespectful to someone like if you have a genuine problem with someone you should just not be their friend, talk to them, or work to resolve it. This isn’t a huge deal to me, but when people say horr...
Hating on Favoritism
Is there always that one kid in every class that is the obvious favorite? When the teachers show favoritism to other students it can affect how other kids learn. Some students can have a negative attitude towards their teachers or other classmates if there is favoritism being shown in class. It may also have a bad effect on other students because they may start doubting themselves in what they are lea...
Shut the Door
The best way to irritate any sibling is when a younger or older sibling comes in your room for no apparent reason to just barely leave the door open. The door starts out shut, what is so difficult about them taking it with them when leaving. The same thing with the lights, if the light starts out off they think that they need to turn them on just to do nothing and then proceed to leave without t...
Shrink Your Ego
Something that makes me mad is people with giant egos and think they are the best. I can’t stand to be around people that are arrogant and pompous. They think that they are God's gift and can do whatever they please. I want to scream at them from the top of my lungs, “You aren’t that special, not everything is about you!” Sometimes I even think about punching them in the face. I come to sch...
Let Kids be Kids
Jobs are commonly an essential part of life. It's a source of money for necessities. The expectation to have one at a young age is suffocating. People assume we should get a job to take up time. We're still young, we should be allowed to live. For some, getting a job at the youngest age possible is the only way to support themselves or their families. Getting a job at a young age takes away time to...
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