Molly McFadden
Molly McFadden
The last eight weeks have been a rollercoaster. Towards the beginning I was very motivated. I felt gifted with time and was excited to be able to accomplish things that had gotten pushed to the side earlier in the year. This feeling of motivation was great, but it didn’t last more then three weeks. By about the fourth week, I was over it. I wanted to see my friends, I wanted to go to Florida, I wanted to play tennis, and I wanted to go to church.
On April 17 I sat by my computer and waited for Governor Reynolds to say it. I knew that realistically there was no way that we were going to be able to go back to school, but I wanted it so bad. I didn’t think it was fair that my friends didn’t get a proper graduation or a senior prom.
This period of social isolation has brought me a new kind of busyness. I no longer have a packed schedule filled with extracurriculars and homework. Instead, I’ve found myself teaching my brothers how to read and subtract because they no longer have an end to their school year.
I have been overwhelmed with emotions during this quarantine. I’ve been scared, confused, and angry, but I’ve also had this overwhelming sense of hope. Hope that this will all come to an end and everything will return to normal. I have hope that through all of this chaos, God has and will continue to be there.
The last two months have been some of the worst, but I can’t help but be joyful for the things I have been gifted with. I’m no longer taking anything for granted and I’m definitely not going another day without thanking God for all the incredible people and opportunities around me.