Mya spreads out on top of Trisha Niceswanger’s materials for her class.
Trisha Niceswanger
Students that have taken a class with Spanish teacher Trisha Niceswanger have likely heard about her cat, Mya. Niceswanger loves her pet very much, and often tells students about amusing things Mya has done. These can range from drinking out of the bathroom faucet to sprinting laps around the house. Though she is 11 years old, Mya still has the energy of a kitten.
Niceswanger loves that fact that her pet gives her “unconditional love.” She’s always happy to see her owner and always is ready to comfort her on a bad day. “She knows when I’m not feeling well or might be sad. She comes right up to be near me,” Niceswanger said. After first receiving Mya, Niceswanger found that her cat was a bit shy and would hide from people she did not know. As of now, Mya has made much progress, choosing to come out and be pet when people arrive.
As for the future, Niceswanger does hope to someday get a friend for her cat so she isn’t alone during the school day. Her only setback is possibly not having enough time to care for more than one cat. Cats aren’t her only pet of choice, as she said once she moves into a bigger house, she would love to adopt a Corgi or an Australian Shepherd.