Dexter Dodson fixes a cable during class in the first few days of school. This is his sixth year teaching.
Dexter Dodson
“I understand that what I’m saying in the front of the classroom is not always the most important thing to them.” Dexter Dodson, the newest addition to the 500 hallway, said his best quality in reference to teaching is his ability to relate to students on a human level. Dodson taught at Cambridge High School in Cambridge, Nebraska for five years prior to coming to Atlantic, leaving Atlantic as the largest high school he’s taught in or gone to. His high school graduating class had 18 people and the class size at Cambridge High School was 25-30 students.
Dodson now teaches five classes at the high school and one at the middle school. “My decision was made in those classes in middle school. I liked doing those things, and I thought ‘what can I do with those things’ and I found teaching.” According to Dodson, the official term for the classes he teaches is Skilled and Technical Science (STS). He’s been trying to acclimate his students to use this term instead of the term “shop classes.” His advice to Atlantic students is to take one of his classes if you want to. “Don’t think you have to have background knowledge to take them.” Dodson said. “You shouldn’t be afraid of cutting your finger off, cause the goal is for everyone to have all ten options to pick their nose when they’re done.”
Dodson would also like to mention that he’s a fan of the Husker football team, being from Nebraska. “That way people can like me or dislike me for that if they want to.”