Kenzie Hoffman
School Board member Laura McLean reads a petition signed by AHS teachers at the last board meeting. McLean was asked questions by Intro to Journalism students during their press conference.
School Board member Laura McLean visited the 4th period Intro to Journalism class on Thursday, Oct. 22. The event was hosted in order to teach students more about how a press conference is run. Taking to the podium at the front of the room, McLean gave her insight towards events concerning the mask mandate discussion that was held the period afterwards. She also commented on other matters concerning the school board. Writing questions down on notepads, journalism students vied for her attention in order to get their question answered before anyone else.
Journalism advisor Allison Berryhill believes that the event exceeded her expectations. “The students asked great questions and they used a professional tone and demeanor,” Berryhill said. “I loved how Mrs. McLean took it seriously and treated it professionally.” Due to the short notice of when the board meeting was to be held, Berryhill wishes she had more time to contact board members and ask them to attend the mock press conference. She also wishes she could have shown the students an example video before hand to ensure they were familiar with the concept. Still, Berryhill was proud of the way her students handled it. On top of that, she felt as if McLean “knew how to run a press conference.”