Quizzing Krause

How well do you know Coach Krause?


Coach Brandon Krause

Noah Bruckner

Do you know freshmen basketball coach Brandon Krause? Take our quiz and find out!

1. Favorite basketball team?
a. San Antonio Spurs
b. New York Knicks
c. Winterset Huskies

2. What do you drive?
a. 2009 Chevy Impala
b. 2001 Jeep Wrangler
c. 2011 VW Beetle

3.What do you fear?
a. Bats
b. Snakes
c. Jeremy Blake

4. How much can you bench?
a. 230 lbs.
b. 240 lbs
c. 255 lbs.

5. What are your hobbies?
a. Watching sporting events, hanging out with friends and family, relaxing by a campfire
b. Shopping, playing video games, slack-lining
c. Throwing horseshoes, long-distance swimming, gourmet cooking

6. What is your shoe size?
a. 12
c. 13

7. Do you have any siblings?
a. Older brother who is 36 years old
b. Twin sisters who are 23 years old
c. No, I’m an only child

8. Who was your biggest influence?
a. Coach Gaylord Schelling (high school football coach)
b. My Grandpa
c. Jennifer Lopez

9.Where did you go to college?
a. William Penn University
b. Buena Vista University
c. Duke University

10.What motivates you?
a. Trying to help kids be there best in the classroom and on the athletic field.
b. The outcome at the end of every game
c. Listening to rock music every morning


The answer to every question is A.